Training Room Checklist
- Reserve a space appropriate for the number of attendees.
- Accommodate for those with disabilities such as hearing, seeing, or mobility issues.
- Arrange for necessary technological items (acoustics, laptops, projectors, screens, speakers, microphones, etc.) and support.
- Make sure the training room has an emergency exit diagram that includes information on assembly/muster locations. Review emergency procedures prior to training.
- Find out whom to contact if there are technical (or other) problems.
- Determine which wall will be the front of the room, with the entrance at the rear to minimize distractions when people enter and exit.
- Select a seating arrangement that supports the goals of the session and the presenter.
- Build in time for room set-up changes.
- Use comfortable chairs (and adjustable chairs for longer sessions).
- Create aisles and easy access to seating, so that participants do not feel cramped. Keep in mind that various cultures have different views regarding personal space.
- Distance between people is appropriate.
- Provide surface for writing, laptops, and beverages if needed.
- Have a space reserved for refreshments if necessary.
- Find space for the trainer's personal items that is out of the way and not distracting.
- Make sure all technology works ahead of time.
- Locate visual equipment (screens, flipcharts, etc.) so that participants can see the materials.
- Check for and maintain adequate air temperature control, and lighting.
- Avoid challenging odors, enticing aromas, and exterior noise.
- Place "Welcome" signs on outside doors indicating the event and the time.
- Discuss housekeeping items, such as the location of restrooms, coatrooms, and exits, near the beginning of the session.