Reducing Anxiety
Right from the start, give up the belief that you have to be perfect or that you must know everything about the topic. It's just not true.

Even experienced trainers occasionally make mistakes and really "screw up," but they know how to roll with it. They don't consider mistakes as big deals or as major obstacles to success, and they don't condemn themselves when they make those mistakes.
The big secret is to accept the fact that mistakes are going to happen. As you take these courses, you may see a mistake here and there. Let us know about it. We always love it when a student points out an error. Why? It gives us the opportunity to correct the error and that improves the quality of the training. Likewise, be sure you thank students for helping you. You get what you give, so students will always appreciate it when you recognize them for being helpful. Develop the ability to recover from your mistakes quickly, with grace. Remember, being "perfectly human," is to be perfectly imperfect.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-3. What is the big secret about how to reduce anxiety associated with training?
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