3rd Priority - Complaints and Referrals
A worker or worker representative can file a complaint about a safety or health hazard in the workplace.

Generally, it is necessary for the complaint to be written and signed for OSHA to conduct an inspection. In other cases, OSHA may contact the employer by phone, email or fax.
Referrals are usually from a government agency, such as NIOSH or a local health department. They are handled the same way as complaints.
4th Priority - Programmed Inspections
Programmed inspections are the most common. These inspections cover industries and employers with high injury and illness rates, specific hazards, or other exposures. There may also be special emphasis programs in just one OSHA region or certain area offices, based on knowledge of local industry hazards.
OSHA may also conduct Follow-up and Monitoring Inspections. These inspections are made as needed, and take priority over programmed inspections. A follow-up is made to see if violations cited on an earlier inspection were fixed. Monitoring inspections are made to make sure hazards are being corrected and workers are protected whenever a long period of time is needed for a hazard to be fixed.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-3. Which of the following compliance inspections is most commonly performed by OSHA?
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