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744 Working with OSHA
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Inspection Stages

The Walk-Around

After the opening conference, the OSHA inspector, employer, and worker representatives, proceed through the workplace, inspecting work areas for potentially hazardous working conditions.

inspector conducting a walk-around inspection around the welding area.
Apparent violations are brought to the attention of the employer and worker representatives as the OSHA inspector observes and documents them.

Apparent violations are brought to the attention of employer and worker representatives when they are observed. OSHA inspectors may also interview workers, take photographs or video, and monitor worker exposure to noise, air contaminants, or other substances. They will conduct all worker interviews in private, although workers may request that a union representative be present.

Closing Conference

After the walk around, the OSHA inspector holds a closing conference with the employer and the worker representatives, either jointly or separately.

OSHA Inspector meeting for the closing conference
After the walk around, the OSHA inspector holds a closing conference with the employer and worker representatives.

When the employer does not want to have a joint conference, the OSHA inspector will normally hold the conference with the worker representative first, so that worker input is received before employers are informed of proposed citations.

During the closing conference, apparent violations that have been observed on the walk around and estimated times for correction are discussed. Employers are informed of their rights and responsibilities related to the inspection. Both employer and worker representatives are told of their rights to take part in any future meetings and their contest rights. No citations are given out at this time. They are sent in the mail at a later date (no later than 6 months after the inspection).

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-5. During an OSHA inspection, when does the OSHA inspector interview workers?