Inspection Stages
There are four major stages of an OSHA inspection: Presenting Credentials; the Opening Conference; the Walk around; and the Closing Conference.

Presenting Credentials
When arriving at the workplace, OSHA inspectors determine who is in charge and present their credentials. An employer can require OSHA inspectors to get a warrant before an inspection is made.
Opening Conference
At this time, OSHA inspectors determine if workers are represented and, if so, they make sure that worker representatives participate in all phases of the inspection. If an employer or worker representative objects to a joint conference, separate conferences are held.
The opening conference is generally brief so that the OSHA inspector may quickly start the walk-around inspection.
In the opening conference, the OSHA inspector:
- explains why OSHA selected the worksite for inspection;
- obtains information about the company, including a copy of the hazard assessment to see what personal protective equipment is necessary;
- explains the purpose of the visit, the scope of the inspection, walk around procedures, worker representation, private worker interviews, and the closing conference; and
- determines whether the facility falls under any inspection exemption through a voluntary compliance program (for example, if an OSHA-funded consultation visit is in progress).
At the start of the inspection, OSHA inspectors check the injury and illness records. They also check that the OSHA poster is displayed and that the OSHA Summary of Injuries and Illnesses is posted from February 1 to April 30 each year. Other records related to safety and health issues may be requested.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-4. During an OSHA inspection, when does the OSHA inspector determine if employees are represented?
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