Supervisor Responsibilities
Individuals responsible for supervising welding operations should:

The supervisor should determine the hazardous areas present or likely to be present in the work location.
- be responsible for the safe handling of the cutting or welding equipment and the safe use of the cutting or welding process;
- determine the combustible materials and hazardous areas present or likely to be present in the work location; and
- protect combustibles from ignition by the following safe procedures and practices:
- Have the work moved to a location free from dangerous combustibles.
- If you cannot move the work, have the combustibles moved to a safe distance or have the combustibles properly shielded against ignition.
- Schedule cutting and welding at a time when plant operations that might expose combustibles to ignition are not started during cutting or welding.
- Secure authorization for the cutting or welding operations from the designated management representative.
- Ensure the cutter or welder sees conditions are safe before going ahead.
- Make sure fire protection and extinguishing equipment are properly located at the site.
- Where fire watches are required, make sure they are available at the site.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-3. Which of the following is a supervisor's responsibility to protect combustibles from ignition during welding operations?
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