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745 Welding, Cutting, and Brazing Safety
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Before permitting cutting or welding, the individual responsible for authorizing cutting and welding operations should:

  • inspect the area,
  • designate precautions to be followed, and
  • grant authorization to proceed preferably in the form of a written permit.

Reporting Injuries

Report all injuries to the medical department as soon as possible. Treat even a slight burn or scratch promptly to prevent infection. Treat eye burns IMMEDIATELY. In addition, a medical professional should evaluate all eye burns as soon as possible.


Welding cables: Welders must place welding cable and other equipment so that it is clear of passageways, ladders, and stairways.

Audit Checklist for Welding Programs

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

8-5. Authorization to proceed with welding or cutting should be preferably _____.