Gas welding and cutting. Training for workers performing gas welding and cutting includes:

Only trained workers should operate welding and cutting.
- Transporting, moving and storing compressed gas cylinders
- In-plant handling, storage, and utilization of compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tank cars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks. This training should include the following topics in Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-2015:
- regulations and standards applicable to compressed gases in containers;
- general safe handling rules for compressed gas containers;
- safe handling and storage rules for compressed gas by hazard class;
- precautions for tank cars, cargo, and portable tanks; and
- security issues and procedures.
Arc welding and cutting. Training should include the safe means and methods of arc welding and cutting including:
- removing electrodes when left unattended so that they will not contact employees or conducting objects;
- prohibition of dipping hot electrode holders in water exposing workers to possible electric shock;
- opening power switches when leaving or stopping work for any appreciable length of time, or when moving the arc welding or cutting machine;
- reporting faulty or defective equipment to the supervisor.
- Disconnecting means for Motor-generator, AC transformer, DC rectifier arc, and Resistance welders. (See 1926.406(c))
Fire Prevention. Workers must be instructed on:
- specific anticipated fire hazards;
- how and when to use firefighting equipment;
- requirements for fire watches to guard against fire; and
- precautions when welding on walls, floors, and ceilings.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-4. Which of the following topics should be included in arc welding and cutting training?
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