Employee Exposure Determination
One of the key elements of the Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is the employee exposure determination.

This section of the plan lists all job classifications at the work-site with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
For example, in this section you might identify the job title "Housekeeper" within the department "Facility Maintenance".
Notice that individual names are not used. Occupational exposure is classified by the job or task, not by the individual.
In addition to identifying the job classification and department, the ECP should also identify the procedures, or group of closely related tasks and procedures, in which occupational exposure may occur.
Adding to our previous example, the job title, location, and task would be identified as "Housekeeper / Facility Maintenance / Handling Regulated Waste".
NOTE: Part-time, temporary, contract and per diem employees are covered by the bloodborne pathogens standard. The ECP should describe how the standard will be met for these employees.
The following is a list of all job classifications at our establishment in which all employees have occupational exposure:
Job Title | Department/Location |
(Example: Phlebotomists) | (Clinical Lab) |
Use as many lines as necessary.
The following is a list of job classifications in which some employees at our establishment have occupational exposure. Included is a list of tasks and procedures, or groups of closely related tasks and procedures, in which occupational exposure may occur for these individuals:
Job Title / Department - Location / Task - Procedure
(Example: Housekeeper / Environmental Services Handling / Regulated Waste)
Use as many lines as necessary.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4. In the exposure control plan, the degree of exposure to bloodborne pathogens is determined and classified by _____.
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