The two most widely used control strategies employees to eliminate or minimize the transmission of bloodborne diseases in the workplace are engineering controls and work practice controls.
Engineering Controls
Engineering controls are physical measures put in place to primarily reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other infectious agents through tool, equipment, or workplace design, modification, and isolation.

Some examples of engineering controls associated with universal precautions include:
- Needlestick prevention devices: These are devices designed to prevent accidental needlesticks and other sharps injuries. They may include safety syringes, retractable needles, or other types of devices.
- Biohazard waste containers: These are specially designed containers that are used to dispose of materials that may be contaminated with blood or other infectious agents. They are typically color-coded and labeled to indicate their contents.
- Airborne infection isolation rooms: These are specially designed rooms that are used to isolate patients with infectious diseases that are spread through the air, such as tuberculosis or measles. They are designed to prevent the spread of airborne particles to other areas of the hospital.
- HEPA filters: These are high-efficiency particulate air filters that are used to filter the air in hospital rooms and other areas. They are designed to remove small particles, including infectious agents, from the air.
- Hand hygiene stations: These are stations that are placed throughout the hospital and other healthcare facilities to encourage hand hygiene among healthcare workers and visitors. They may include soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
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6-2. Engineering controls minimize exposure to bloodborne pathogens through _____.
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