Wash Your Hands
Hand washing after an exposure can reduce your risk of infection.

Your employer must provide readily accessible hand-washing facilities or antiseptic hand cleanser or wipes if hand-washing facilities are not available. Do the following to reduce your risk of infection resulting from an exposure.
- Perform hand washing immediately after any exposure, even if you were wearing gloves.
- Vigorous scrubbing with soap or alcohol-based foam or gel and warm water is considered the most effective technique.
Prohibited Practices
Practices that are completely prohibited in the workplace include: bending, recapping, and removing contaminated needles, shearing or breaking needles, and mouth pipetting or suctioning of potentially infectious material.
These practices significantly increase the risk of exposure. As a result, they should never be performed by employees.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-4. Bending, recapping, and removing contaminated needles are considered _____.
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