Cleaning Respirators
Cleaning and sanitizing respirators is necessary to prevent skin irritation and dermatitis.

Contaminant build-up on the respirator facepiece seal or within the respirator can reduce the protection because the contaminant is in the breathing zone or has compromised the seal. Contamination can also contribute to the deterioration of the respirator's materials. Also, follow these cleaning best practices:
- Respirators must be cleaned and disinfected as often as necessary to remain sanitary.
- Respirators used by more than one employee must be cleaned and disinfected before being used by a different individual.
- Respirators maintained for escape-only use, as well as respirators used in fit testing and training, must be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
The program administrator should maintain an adequate supply of the appropriate cleaning and disinfecting agents at the cleaning station.
Storing Respirators
After inspection, cleaning, and necessary repair, store respirators so that they are not damaged, contaminated, or exposed to dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals. Follow these procedures to store respirators properly:
- Store filter cartridges separately from clean respirator face pieces to prevent contamination of the interior of the respirator facepiece from hazardous particulate matter (e.g., lead, asbestos, cadmium, silica) that may have accumulated on the filter cartridge.
- Store the facepiece and the exhalation valve in a manner that will prevent deformation. To do that, position each respirator so it retains its natural configuration. Synthetic materials and even rubber will warp if stored in an unnatural shape, thus affecting the fitting characteristics of the facepiece.
- Respirators should be packed or stored so the facepiece and exhalation valve will rest in a normal position and function will not be impaired by the elastomer setting in an abnormal position.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-10. Filter cartridges must be _____ respirator facepieces that have been cleaned.
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