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765 Managing Workplace Stress
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During the Crisis - At the Scene

At the disaster scene, you, as a manager, can provide certain supports for workers to handle stress and help them effectively perform the tasks at hand.

Image of six employees in full PPE moving through a decontamination station.
Clearly define individual roles and re-evaluate if the situation changes.

Here are some tips:

  • Clearly define individual roles and re-evaluate if the situation changes.
  • Institute briefings at each shift change that cover the current status of the work environment, safety procedures, and required safety equipment.
  • Partner inexperienced workers with experienced veterans. The buddy system is an effective method to provide support, monitor stress, and reinforce safety procedures.
  • Rotate workers from high-stress to lower-stress functions.
  • Initiate, encourage, and monitor work breaks, especially when casualties are involved.
  • Establish an area that separates workers from the scene and the public. At longer operations, establish an area where responders can shower, eat, change clothes, and sleep.
  • Provide security for staff at facilities or sites in dangerous areas, including escorts for workers going to and from their vehicles.
  • Reduce noise as much as possible by providing earplugs, noise mufflers, or telephone headsets.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-3. During an event of increased stress, what is an effective method that provides support, monitors stress, and reinforces safety procedures?