Administrative Controls
Administrative controls are always necessary in an effective violence prevention program. They are established in conjunction with engineering and work practice controls and are especially important when engineering controls are not feasible or not completely protective. These controls use formal program policies, processes, and procedures to aid supervisors, managers, and employees in making decisions and taking action.

Some examples of administrative controls include the following:
- Supervisors and managers will display a commitment to preventing workplace violence and provide adequate support during emergencies.
- All managers, supervisors, and employees will follow written violence prevention program policies and procedures.
- All managers, supervisor, and employees will receive initial and recurring violence prevention program training. Instruction will emphasize program requirements, early warning signs, and safe work practice. Hands-on training will focus on how to report incidents and de-escalation and defensive techniques in response to incidents.
- Scheduled awareness drills will be conducted in each department.
- Employees will report all incidents of workplace violence or threats of violence to a supervisor or manager.
- Reports to supervisors or managers will be held strictly confidential.
- Confidential documentation of incidents of violence will be maintained to help determine necessary actions to prevent recurrences.
- Written procedures will be followed for requesting police assistance or filing charges when assaulted.
- Institute a sign-in procedure with passes for visitors. Enforce visitor hours and procedures.
- Supervisors and managers will respond promptly to all complaints.
- A trained response team will be created to respond to emergencies.
- Only properly trained security officers are authorized to deal with aggressive behavior.
- Ensure that adequate and properly trained staff are available to restrain patients, if necessary.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-3. Policies, processes, and procedures used to control exposure to hazards are called _____.
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