Post-Incident Follow-up and Counseling
Several types of assistance can be incorporated into the post-incident response. For example, trauma-crisis counseling, critical-incident stress debriefing or employee assistance programs may be provided to assist victims.

Certified employee assistance professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical nurse specialists or social workers may provide this counseling or the employer may refer staff victims to an outside specialist. The employer may establish an employee counseling service, peer counseling or support groups. Counselors should be well trained and have a good understanding of the issues and consequences of assaults and other aggressive, violent behavior.
Appropriate and promptly rendered post-incident debriefings and counseling reduce acute psychological trauma and general stress levels among victims and witnesses. This type of counseling educates staff about workplace violence and positively influences workplace and organizational cultural norms to reduce trauma associated with future incidents.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-7. Which of the following will help reduce acute psychological trauma and stress among victims and witnesses of violent incidents?
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