Elements of an Effective EMS
To develop an effective EMS, be sure to include important elements that all work together as a system. In this course we'll focus on basic elements integrated within each of the five continuous improvement phases of an effective EMS.
- Environmental Policy - develop a statement of the organization's commitment to the environment

Leadership and commitment are extremely important components of an effective EMS.
- Environmental Aspects and Impacts - identify environmental attributes of products, activities and services and their effects on the environment
- Legal and Other Requirements - identify and ensure access to relevant laws and regulations
- Objectives and Targets and Environmental Management Program - set environmental goals for the organization and plan actions to achieve objectives and targets
- Structure and Responsibility - establish roles and responsibilities within the organization
- Training, Awareness and Competence - ensure employees are aware and capable of their environmental responsibilities
- Communication - develop processes for internal and external communication on environmental management issues
- EMS Documentation - maintain information about the EMS and related documents
- Document Control - ensure effective management of procedures and other documents
- Operational Control - identify, plan and manage the organization's operations and activities in line with the policy, objectives and targets, and significant aspects
- Emergency Preparedness and Response - develop procedures for preventing and responding to potential emergencies
- Monitoring and Measuring - monitor key activities and track performance including periodic compliance evaluation
- Evaluation of Compliance - develop procedure to periodically evaluate compliance with legal and other requirements
- Nonconformance and Corrective and Preventive Action - identify and correct problems and prevent recurrences
- Records - keep adequate records of EMS performance
- EMS Audit - periodically verify that the EMS is effective and achieving objectives and targets
- Management Review - review the EMS
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-6. In which element is identifying environmental attributes of products, activities, and services, and their effects on the environment conducted?
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