The checking and corrective action phase also includes records. As we discussed earlier, records are one level of EMS documentation.
Records are objective evidence that prove EMS activities have been performed or that desired results have been achieved.
Records are objective and provide evidence of the results of following a procedure. For example, let's say you have an Operational Control Procedure for a wastewater treatment plant. It states what you will do when you treat wastewater and how you will do it. The wastewater treatment system log sheets and database document that the procedure is followed and track your results; this comprises the record for that procedure.
Basically, records document that you are doing what you said you would do within your EMS, including:
- training,
- setting of objectives and targets,
- identifying legal and other requirements,
- implementing operational controls, and
- following EMS system-level procedures.
When you audit the EMS, records are one type of documentation that will be reviewed.
Records provide a means of tracking the history of our EMS progress. Because they are part of the EMS and will be audited, EMS records must be kept in good order and should be readily retrievable. That is one reason that records are addressed in the EMS Document Control Procedure we discussed earlier. This brings us to the last item in the Checking and Corrective Action phase, EMS Audits.
Here's a list of sample records that might be appropriate for your facility:
- EMS audits
- EMS Team and Advisory Committee meeting minutes
- management review - presentation material and meeting minutes
- copies of postings, memorandums or management bulletins that cover EMS topics
- records of requests from public regarding the EMS policy or any external communication regarding significant environmental aspects
- EMS employee awareness training records
- registry of legal and other requirements
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-8. Which of the following is objective evidence that prove EMS activities have been performed or that desired results have been achieved?
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