EMS Compliance and Conformance Audits
EMS audits check that the EMS system is implemented as planned. EMS audits are conducted internally or by outside parties to make sure the system is working or to support criteria related to certifications or participation in voluntary programs.
Compliance Audits
An organization should periodically evaluate its compliance with the EPA, legal and other requirements applicable to its environmental aspects to ensure the commitment to compliance stated in its environmental policy statement. We encourage you to use this EMS Compliance Assessments Procedure (PDF) as a model for your own audit procedure.
Conformance Audits
It should also conduct periodic conformance audits of its EMS to ensure that the system is structured and functioning in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard. You can open and use this EMS Conformance Audit Procedure (PDF) as a model for your own audit procedure.
Facilities which choose to implement an EMS that conforms to the ISO 14001 Standard can receive a formal registration. EMS auditors working for an organization that is accredited by ISO's Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) will audit the facility's EMS to document that the EMS is implemented in conformance with the requirements of the standard. Once a facility passes the audit, they can claim that they are an ISO 14001 registered organization. The registration may help you compete with other companies in your industry. For example, most of the large automakers require that their suppliers are ISO 14001 registered.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-9. Which of the following is used to make sure the EMS is working or to support criteria related to certifications or participation in voluntary programs?
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