Portable grinders usually come with the manufacturer's safety guard covering most of the wheel.

Exposure to the wheel should not exceed a maximum angle of 180 degrees, and the top half must be enclosed at all times. The guard should be mounted so it maintains proper alignment with the wheel.
Abrasive wheel tools must be equipped with guards that:
- Cover the spindle end, nut, and flange projections.
- Maintain proper alignment with the wheel.
- Do not exceed the strength of the fastenings.
Vertical "right angle" grinders should have a 180-degree guard between the operator and wheel. The guard should be adjusted so that pieces of a broken wheel will be deflected away from the operator.
Cup wheel grinders should be guarded as described above or with special "revolving cup guards," which mount behind the wheel and turn with it.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-2. Abrasive wheel tools must be equipped with guards that have which of the following characteristics?
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