Poisonous and Infectious Animals
Safe Disposal
Safe disposal of rodents and proper cleaning and disinfection of rodent-inhabited areas are keys to minimizing exposure to the virus.
The Center for Disease Control specifically recommends following these steps for safe disposal and clean-up of dead rodents and/or rodent dropping:
- Wear rubber gloves.
- Thoroughly spray dead rodents, traps, droppings, and contaminated areas with a general household disinfectant.
- Place disinfectant-soaked rodents into a plastic bag and seal it. Then place it into a second plastic bag and seal. If possible, burn or bury the bag or contact your local or state health department about other appropriate disposal methods.
- Disinfect floors, countertops and other surfaces with a general household disinfectant.
- Before removing the gloves, wash gloved hands in disinfectant, and then in soap and water. Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water after removing the gloves.
- Disinfect all used traps, and then set them again or replace them.
- Eliminate possible rodent nesting sites such as junk cars, old tires and trash piles. Do not leave animal food and water in feeding dishes overnight, and keep all food in rodent-proof containers.
- Cut grass, brush and dense shrubbery within the immediate area of buildings.
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3-10. What are the keys to minimizing exposure to rabies?
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