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850 Health Hazards in Construction
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Poisonous and Infectious Animals

Many different poisonous and infectious animals are found throughout the United States and workers should be aware of these health hazards before starting work in a specific location.

Caged rabid animals are extremely dangerous
Rabies is a viral disease caused by infection of the central nervous systems of wild and domestic animals and humans.


Rabies is a viral disease caused by infection of the central nervous systems of wild and domestic animals and humans. The initial symptoms of human rabies resemble those of other systemic viral infections, including fever, headache and disorders of the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Recognizing that a person has been exposed to the virus and prompt treatment are essential for preventing rabies. Once clinical symptoms have begun, there is no treatment for rabies and almost all patients will die from the disease or its complications within a few weeks of onset.

Raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes are the terrestrial animals most often infected with rabies in the United States. All bites by such wildlife must be considered a possible exposure to the rabies virus.

The most sensible way to avoid contact with rodents is to prevent rodents from infesting your work site. You must also follow safety precautions if you do come across a rodent infested area.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-9. Which animal is one of the animals most often infected with rabies?