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903 Well Site Completion and Servicing Safety
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Perforating, Fracturing Fluid, Blending, and Pumping

The fracturing job begins by perforating the well casing.

Blending and pumping fracturing fluid.

Perforating is accomplished by lowering a perforating gun, called a perforator, into the well. The process of perforating involves piercing the casing wall and cement of a wellbore to provide holes through which formation fluids may enter or to provide holes in the casing so that materials may be introduced into the annulus between the casing and the wall of the borehole.

After perforating the well casing, workers blend and pump fracturing fluid into the well through high pressure lines.

Fracturing fluid is made up of a base fluid, proppant (sand, or an alternative proppant), and chemical additives. The blender and pump trucks run simultaneously for several hours while workers monitor well pressure and fracture progression.

Let's take a look at the potential hazards and possible solutions when perforating, fracturing fluid, blending, and pumping in the next two tabs.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-5. The process of piercing the casing wall and cement of a wellbore to provide holes through which formation fluids may enter is called _____.