Harness and Lanyard
Check that harnesses and lanyards are stored in an area that is free from chemical exposure, out of direct sunlight, and away from any damaging heat sources. Soft nylon equipment should never be hung with cables, chains, or other hard iron equipment that may damage the webbing.

List each unit separately on the inspection form. Check that all equipment is numbered or otherwise identified so each piece of equipment is unique and easily identifiable. Check that the manufacturer’s name, model number, and rating are clear and visible.
Harness Straps
Check that straps are relatively soft and pliable with no signs of hardening. Look for burns caused by chemical or heat that create hard non-flexible areas on the strapping. Look for damaged threads or separation of the fibers that would indicate some type of damage. Look for torn or frayed sewing and stitching. Examine wear areas around fittings and buckles. Thimble eyes should not be deformed, bent, or missing.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-2. Which of the following is unacceptable for storing harnesses and lanyards?
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