Acclimatization and Rest Cycles
Adjust to the Heat
Acclimatize workers by exposing them to work in a hot environment for progressively longer periods.

NIOSH suggests that workers who have had previous experience in jobs where heat levels are high enough to produce heat stress may adequately acclimatize after four days. For new workers who will be similarly exposed, the acclimatization regimen should be over five days.
- If you are new to hot environments, begin work gradually.
- Start at about half of what you would usually do.
- Gradually increase how long you work and how hard you work over the first five workdays.
- If you are away from the heat for more than a week, start over.
- You will still need rest breaks every hour in hot weather, even when you are fully adjusted.
Work/Rest Cycles
The work/rest cycle is one of several protective controls to decrease overall heat stress. It may not be mandatory if other controls such as air-conditioned rest areas or ice vests are in use and are sufficient to keep worker's body temperatures normal for the individual. Work/Rest cycles assume the resting place available to workers is shaded, but otherwise at the same ambient temperature as the work area.
During the rest period workers should remove protective clothing not required in the rest area to enhance their opportunity to cool. Important points:
- Your employer must set work and rest cycles.
- Work itself generates heat.
- When possible, work during the cooler parts of the day and rest mid-day.
For more information on work/rest schedules, visit the CDC's website on Heat Stress.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-5. According to NIOSH, how long will it take for a new oil spill worker to become fully acclimatized to their job?
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