Oil Spill Worker Safety and Health
The potential for an emergency situation to occur during an oil spill cleanup is large. To work in cleanup, you must be trained on the hazards of your job in a language that you understand. You must be trained before you begin oil spill response and cleanup work.

If an emergency occurs, notify your supervisor, safety officer or incident commander about all injuries and hazardous material exposures sustained at the site. Your employer's Health and Safety Plan will describe the emergency procedures to be followed.
- Ask what first aid support is available during your briefing; be sure you understand where it is located.
- For minor injuries or health concerns, go to:
- first aid
- local hospitals or clinics
- EMT or nurse station
- For serious emergencies, call your direct supervisor or 911.
- Know your exact location.
- Keep an injured worker in a safe location until assistance arrives.
- Don't move an injured worker unless safety is at risk.
- Use the "buddy system" to immediate response when an injury occurs.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-1. According to the text, which of the following procedures will help ensure immediate response when an injury occurs?
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