Facility-Level Hazard Analysis
For a facility-level hazards analysis, the analysis should be appropriate for the complexity of the operation and should identify, evaluate, and manage the hazards involved in the operation.
The facility-level hazards analysis should address the following:
- hazards of facility-level operations
- previous incidents related to the operation you are evaluating, including any incident in which you were issued an Incident of noncompliance or a civil or criminal penalty
- control technology applicable to the operation the hazards analysis is evaluating
- a qualitative evaluation of the possible safety and health effects on employees, and potential impacts to the human and marine environments, which may result if the control technology fails
The hazards analysis should be performed by a person(s) with experience in the operations being evaluated. These individuals also need to be experienced in the hazards analysis methodologies being employed.
- You should assure that the recommendations in the hazards analysis are resolved and that the resolution is documented.
A single facility-level hazards analysis can be performed to fulfill the requirements for simple and nearly identical facilities, such as well jackets and single well caissons. You can apply this single hazards analysis to simple and nearly identical facilities after you verify that any site-specific deviations are addressed in each of the SEMS program elements.
Ref: Title 30 SECTION 250.1911
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-4. What is the primary consideration when determining the type of a facility-level hazards analysis?
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