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907 Introduction to SEMS II
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Training Criteria

The SEMS program should establish and implement a training program so that all personnel are trained in:

  • their specific duties
  • responsibilities to work safely, and
  • potential environmental impacts of their work.
Hands-on training and evaluation is the most effective strategy.

Training should address at least the following topics:

  • Operating procedures
  • Safe work practices
  • Emergency response and control measures
  • Start Work Authority
  • Ultimate Work Authority
  • Employee Participation Plan
  • Reporting unsafe working conditions
  • How to recognize and identify hazards
  • How to construct and implement JSAs

An evaluator should also certify instructor trainer qualifications in writing. To make sure instructor certification is adequate, do the following:

  • Describe instructor experience, and the training they have completed.
  • Instructor knowledge, skills, and abilities have been evaluated, and confirms that the instructor is competent and qualified to conduct the training.
  • Ensure that both the evaluator and the instructor must sign the certification document.

Ref: Title 30 SECTION 250.1915

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-6. To make sure SEMS instructors are qualified, an evaluator will confirm that the instructor _____.