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907 Introduction to SEMS II
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Submitting Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Performance Measure

You should submit Form BSEE-0131 on an annual basis by March 31st.

On the BSEE Form 0131, you should indicate the following:

  • Total number of hours worked by company and contractor employees during the 4 quarters of the calendar year.
  • Total number of company and contractor employee recordable injuries and illnesses and Days Away or Restricted Transferred (DART) injuries and illnesses for each of the 4 quarters of the calendar year.
    • DART = Days away from work or days of restricted work or job transfer. Recordable injuries include all three categories - Major, Minor, and Other.

The injury and illness data should be recorded for each of the following categories:

  • company/contractor employee production operations
  • company/contractor employee drilling operations
  • company/contractor employee construction operations

The form should be broken down quarterly, reporting the previous calendar year's data.

Click here to view the operation forms on the BSEE website.

Ref: Title 30 SECTION 250.1929

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

8-3. When should you submit Form BSEE-0131 each year?