04.A.05 Temporary Work Camps (Floating plant excluded).
The design and construction of work/labor camps must be IAW 29 CFR 1910.142.

Temporary living quarters for workers.
- All sites used for temporary work camps must be adequately drained. They must not be subject to periodic flooding nor located within 200 ft (61 m) of swamps, pools, sink holes, or other surface collections of water unless adequate mosquito control methods have been implemented. The sites must be graded, ditched, and rendered free from depressions in which water may become a nuisance.
- Sites must be sized to prevent overcrowding of necessary structures.
- The grounds and open areas surrounding the shelters must be maintained free of rubbish, debris, waste paper, garbage, or other refuse.
- Shelters will provide protection from the elements, and each room used for sleeping purposes must contain at least 55 ft2 (5.06 m2) of floor space for each occupant and at least 7 ft-6 in (2.3 m) ceilings. The floor space does not include areas occupied by closets or wall lockers.
- Beds, cots, or bunks, and suitable storage facilities (such as wall lockers for clothing and personal articles) must be provided in every room used for sleeping purposes. Beds must be spaced not closer than 3 ft (1 m) both laterally and end-to-end and must be elevated at least 1 ft (.3 m) from the floor. Double-decked bunk beds must be spaced not fewer than 4 ft (1.2 m) both laterally and end-to-end with a minimum space of not fewer than 27 in (68.5 cm) between the upper and lower bunk. Triple deck bunks are prohibited.
- Floors must be constructed of wood, asphalt, or concrete. Wooden floors must be of smooth and tight construction. Floors must be kept in good repair.
- All wooden floors must be elevated not less than 1.5 ft (0.5 m) above the ground level at all points to prevent dampness and permit free circulation of air beneath, and for easier and safer maintenance.
- Living quarters must be provided with windows that may be opened for purposes of ventilation.
- All exterior openings must be effectively screened with 16-mesh material and screen doors must be equipped with self-closing devices.
- Temporary sleeping quarters must be heated, cooled, ventilated, lighted, and maintained in a clean and safe condition.
- Sleeping quarters must comply with applicable provisions of the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code.
Unless otherwise indicated, throughout this manual, lumber dimensions are given in nominal sizes.
04.A.07 Temporary Explosives Storage Areas.
Temporary Explosives Storage Areas must be IAW the EM 385-1-97, Explosives Safety and Health Requirements.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-3. Which of the following is true concerning the design and construction of work/labor camps?
You forgot to answer the question!