04.B Access and Haul Roads.
Prior to construction, the Contractor must provide the GDA with a copy of an Access/Haul Road Plan for review and acceptance.

Access/haul roads must be designed in accordance with current engineering criteria. Work on the haul road must not commence until the GDA has accepted the plan. The plan must address the following items:
- Equipment usage, traffic density and patterns, right-of-way rules, and hours of operation;
- Road layout and widths, horizontal and vertical curve data, and sight distances;
- Sign and signalperson requirements, road markings, and traffic control devices;
- Drainage controls;
- Points of contact between vehicles and the public, vehicles and pedestrians, and safety controls at these points;
- Maintenance requirements, including roadway hardness and smoothness and dust control, and
- Hazards adjacent to the road (e.g., bodies of water, steep embankments).
No employer must move, or cause to be moved, any equipment or vehicle upon an access or haul road unless the roadway is constructed and maintained to safely accommodate the movement of the equipment or vehicle involved.
When road levels are above working levels, berms, barricades, or curbs must be constructed to prevent vehicles overrunning the edge or end of embankment. Berms/curbs must be constructed to one-half the diameter of the tires of the largest piece of equipment using the roadway.
Roadways must have a crown and ditches for drainage. Water must be intercepted before reaching a switch back or large fill and be led off.
Haul roads must be constructed to widths suitable for safe operation of the equipment at the travel speeds proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the GDA.
All roads, including haul roads, must be posted with maximum speed limits.
An adequate number of turn-outs must be provided on single lane roads with two- way traffic. When turn-outs are not practical, the Contractor must provide a traffic control system to prevent accidents.
Whenever possible, use a right-hand traffic pattern on two-way haul roads.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4. When road levels are above working levels, what is the method to prevent vehicles from overrunning the edge or end of embankment?
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