04.B.09 Curves.
- All curves must have open sight lines and as great a radius as practical.
- Vehicle speed must be limited on curves so that vehicles can be stopped within one- half the visible distance of the roadway.
- The design of horizontal curves must consider vehicle speed, roadway width and surfacing, and super elevation.

04.B.10 Grades.
- When necessary, based on grade and machine and load weight, machines must be equipped with retarders to assist in controlling downgrade descent.
- Access/haul roads should be kept to less than a 10% grade. There should be no more than 400 ft (121.9 m) of grade exceeding 10%.
- The maximum allowable grade must not exceed 12% Public Private Partnership (ppp).
Adequate lighting must be provided. > See Section 7.
Traffic control lights, barricades, road markings, signs, and signalpersons for the safe movement of traffic must be provided in accordance with the DOT Federal Highway Administration's "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and this Section.
Roadway hardness, smoothness, and dust control must be used to maintain the safety of the roadway.
All roads must be maintained in a safe condition and eliminate or control dust, ice, and similar hazards.
The deposition of mud and or other debris on public roads must be minimized to the extent possible and in accordance with local requirements.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-5. The maximum allowable grade must not exceed _____ ppp?
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