11.J Underground Electrical Installations.
11.J.01 Guarding Underground Openings.
- Warning signs and rigid barricades must be promptly placed when covers of manholes, handholes, or vaults are removed.
- When an employee enters an underground opening the opening must be protected with a barricade, temporary cover, or other guard appropriate for the hazard.
- Underground opening guards and warning signs must be adequately illuminated.
11.J.02 Maintenance holes and unvented vaults must be treated as, and subject to the requirements of confined spaces. > See Section 33.
11.J.03 Smoking must be prohibited in maintenance holes and vaults.
11.J.04 When open flames must be used in manholes, ventilation must be provided.
11.J.05 Before using open flames in maintenance holes or vaults, the holes/vaults must be tested and found safe or cleared of any combustible gases or liquids.
11.J.06 When underground facilities are exposed (electric, gas, water, telephone, etc., or cables other than the one being worked on), they must be protected to avoid damage.
11.J.07 Before cutting into a cable or opening a splice, the cable must be identified and verified to be the proper cable and de-energized.
11.J.08 When working on buried cable or on cable in manholes, metallic sheath continuity must be maintained by bonding across the opening or by equivalent means.
11.K Work In Energized Substations.
11.K.01 When working in an energized substation, authorization must be obtained from the GDA before work is begun.
11.K.02 When work is to be done in an energized substation, the following must be determined:
- The facilities that are energized, and
- Any protective equipment and precautions are necessary for the safety of personnel.
11.K.03 Clearance requirements per Section 11.I.03 must be followed.
11.K.04 Only qualified employees must perform work on or adjacent to energized control panels. > See Sections 11.A.01, 11.B.
11.K.05 Precautions must be taken to prevent accidental operation of relays or other protective devices due to jarring, vibration, or improper wiring.
11.K.06 Use of vehicles, gin poles, cranes, and other equipment in unguarded high voltage equipment areas must at all times be controlled by qualified employees. > See Table 11-1.
11.K.07 All mobile cranes and derricks must be effectively grounded when being moved or operated near energized lines or equipment or the equipment must be considered energized.
11.K.08 When a substation fence must be expanded or removed, a temporary fence affording similar protection, when the site is unattended, must be provided. Adequate interconnection with ground must be maintained between temporary fence and permanent fence.
11.K.09 All gates to unattended substations must be locked except when work is in progress.
11.K.10 When switching gang switches, visual inspection must be made to ensure all insulators and the switch handle ground is in good condition. Insulating gloves must be worn when operating switch handles.
11.L Communication Facilities.
11.L.01 Employees must not look into an open wave guide or antenna that is connected to an energized electromagnetic source.
11.L.02 If the electromagnetic radiation level within an accessible area exceeds the levels given in Section 06.F, the area must be posted with appropriate signs.
11.L.03 When an employee works in an area where the electromagnetic radiation is unknown or could exceed the levels given in Section 06.F, measurements must be taken to ensure that employee's exposure is not greater than that permitted.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
11-12. Maintenance holes and unvented vaults must be treated as _____.
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