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501 EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness for Contractors Sections 7 - 13
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11.I.08 Tools.

  1. All hydraulic tools that are used on or around energized lines or equipment must use non-conducting hoses having adequate strength for the normal operating pressures.
  2. All pneumatic tools that are used on or around energized lines or equipment must have non-conducting hoses of adequate strength for the normal operating pressures and have an accumulator on the compressor to collect moisture.
  3. Portable metal or conductive ladders must not be used near energized lines or equipment except in specialized work such as in high voltage substations where nonconductive ladders might present a greater hazard than conductive ladders. Conductive or metal ladders must be prominently marked as conductive and all precautions must be taken when used in specialized work.
  4. Conductive pull tape or rope must not be used when working on or near energized parts.

11.I.09 Aerial lift trucks.

See Sections 18 and 22.M.

Aerial lift truck working on transmission line.
  1. The aerial device manufacturer must state in the operator's manual and on the instruction plate whether the aerial device is insulating or non-insulating.
  2. Aerial lift trucks must be grounded or barricaded and considered as energized equipment, or the aerial lift truck must be insulated for the work being performed. Table 11-1 will be legibly printed on a plate of durable non-conductive material and must be mounted on the bucket or its vicinity so as to be visible to the operator of the boom.
  3. Equipment or material must not be passed between a pole or structure and an aerial lift while an employee working from the basket is within reaching distance of energized conductors or equipment that are not covered with insulating protective equipment.
  4. Only qualified electrical workers may operate aerial lift equipment within the restricted approach boundary distances.

11.I.10 With the exception of equipment certified for work on the proper voltage, mechanical equipment must not be operated closer to any energized line or equipment than the clearances in Table 11-1 unless:

  1. An insulated barrier is installed between the energized part and the mechanical equipment;
  2. The mechanical equipment is grounded;
  3. The mechanical equipment is insulated; or
  4. The mechanical equipment is considered as energized.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

11-9. Portable metal or conductive ladders may be used near energized lines or equipment only _____.