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501 EM 385-1-1 Construction Safety Hazard Awareness for Contractors Sections 7 - 13
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11.E Temporary Wiring and Lighting.

11.E.01 A sketch of proposed temporary power distribution systems must be submitted to the GDA and accepted for use before temporary power is installed. The sketch must indicate the location, voltages, and means of protection of all circuits, including receptacles, disconnecting means, grounding, GFCIs, and lighting circuits.

Temporary wiring on construction site.

11.E.02 Testing.

  1. Temporary electrical distribution systems and devices must be checked and found acceptable for polarity, ground continuity, and ground resistance before initial use and before use after modification. GFCI must be tested monthly.
  2. Ground resistance and circuits must be measured at the time of installation and must comply with Sections 11.D.02 and 11.D.04. The measurement must be recorded and a copy furnished to the GDA.

11.E.03 The vertical clearance of temporary wiring for circuits carrying 600 volts or less must be:

  1. 10 ft (3 m) above finished grade, sidewalks, or from any platform;
  2. 12 ft (3.8 m) over areas other than public streets, alleys, roads and driveways, subject to vehicular traffic other than truck traffic;
  3. 15 ft (4.5 m) over areas other than public streets, alleys, roads and driveways, subject to truck traffic;
  4. 18 ft (5.5 m) over public streets, alleys, roads, and driveways.

11.E.04 Wet Locations.

An Activity hazard Analysis (AHA) must be developed by the work crew for these activities.

  1. Submersible electric pumps may be used to support periodic maintenance and/or construction activities only when the pump is designed by the manufacturer to operate in wet locations.
    • (1) The pump must be installed and tested by a QP and operated by personnel trained to the appropriate level.
    • (2) When personnel are, or could be, present in the water during pump operation, the pump must be equipped with a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), except as noted in (3) below.
      • Note: If pump manufacturer does not allow personnel in the area when pumps are used in water, an appropriate Hazardous Energy Control Program, to include lockout/tagout, must be in place. > See Section 12.
    • (3) Where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified personnel are involved, an Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program (AEGCP, see Appendix E) must be permitted for those receptacle outlets used to supply equipment that is not compatible with GFCI protection or that would create a greater hazard if power was interrupted. > See Section 11.D.05.g, NEC Article 590.6 and 29 CFR 1926.404(b).
      • Note: The AEGCP must be continuously enforced at the site by one or more designated persons to ensure that equipment grounding conductors for all temporary power are installed and maintained in accordance with the AEGCP, NEC and OSHA.
    • (4) Where a receptacle is used in a wet location, it must be contained in a weatherproof enclosure, the integrity of which is not affected when an attachment plug is inserted.
    • (5) All temporary lighting strings in outdoor or wet locations (such as tunnels, culverts, valve pits, floating plant, etc.) must consist of lamp sockets and connection plugs permanently molded to the hard service cord insulation.

11.E.05 Wires must be insulated from their supports.

11.E.06 Temporary lighting.

  1. Bulbs attached to temporary lighting strings and extension cords must be protected by guards unless the bulbs are deeply recessed in a reflector.
  2. Unless designed for suspension, temporary lights must not be suspended by their electric wire.
  3. Exposed empty light sockets and broken bulbs must be replaced immediately.
  4. Portable electric lighting used in wet and/or other conductive locations (e.g., drums, tanks, vessels, sumps, scroll cases, etc.) must be rated and operated at 12 volts or less. > See also Section 11.H.

11.E.07 When temporary wiring is used in tanks or other confined spaces, an approved disconnect, properly identified, UL labeled, and rated for this application and environment, must be provided at or near the entrance to such spaces for the purpose of readily disconnecting the electrical power in case of an emergency.

11.E.08 Non-metallic sheathed cable may be used as allowed by the NEC and as follows:

  1. Along studs, joists, or similar supports closely following the building finish or running boards when 7 ft-8 in (2.3 m) or more above the floor;
  2. When firmly attached to each cabinet, box fitting, or fixture by means of a cable clamp. > Non-metallic sheathed cable may not be used when precluded by the NEC nor as portable extension cords, lying on the ground subject to any type of traffic, where subject to frequent flexing, or as service entrance cable.

11.E.09 Temporary lighting circuits must be separate from electric tool circuits. Receptacle circuits must be dedicated to either temporary lighting or electric tools and must be labeled "LIGHTS ONLY" or "TOOLS ONLY," as applicable.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

11-5. How much vertical clearance must there be for 600 volt temporary wiring placed over areas other than public streets, alleys, roads and driveways, subject to truck traffic?