14.B Material Hoists.
14.B.01 Material hoists must be designed to raise and lower materials during construction, alteration, or demolition. It is not applicable to the temporary use of permanently installed elevators used as material hoists. They must be constructed and installed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI A10.5.

14.B.02 Material hoist towers, masts, guy or braces, counterweights, drive machinery supports, sheave supports, platforms, supporting structures, and accessories must be designed by a licensed engineer.
14.B.03 Hoist towers must be erected and dismantled only under the direct supervision of a qualified individual.
14.B.04 A copy of the hoist operating manual must be available for each hoist on site.
14.B.05 Material hoists and hoist tower systems must be inspected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
- Prior to initial use and each time after the tower is extended, all parts of the tower or mast, cage, bucket, boom, platform, hoisting machine, guy, and other equipment must be inspected by a Qualified Person (QP) to ensure compliance with the manufacturer's inspection guidelines and ANSI A10.5.
- Prior to initial use on a USACE project, and monthly thereafter, a periodic inspection must be conducted by a QP. Periodic inspections must cover those items specified by the manufacturer.
- A GDA must be notified at least 24 hours prior to any of the above inspections and may wish to accompany the contractor's inspector.
- Pre-operational inspections (start-up procedures) must be conducted by the operator prior to every operation (shift) of the hoist.
14.B.06 Before a hoist is placed in service and every 4 months thereafter, a car arresting device test must be performed.
- For rope-supported cars, the test must be conducted in the following manner:
- (1) Pull a loop in the lifting rope and attach the test rope to each side of the loop above the bucket or platform;
- (2) Raise the platform or bucket to allow the load to be supported by the test rope; and
- (3) Cut the test rope to allow the load to fall and activate the car-arresting device.
- For car suspension other than rope supported, the test must be conducted by creating an over speed condition of the car.
- Structural components must be inspected for damage after the test and before the hoist is placed in operation again.
14.B.07 Maintenance and repairs.
- Replacement parts for load bearing or critical components must be either obtained from or certified by the equipment manufacturer.
- Maintenance and repairs must be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures.
14.B.08 Landings and runways.
- Landing platforms and runways that connect the hoist way or tower to a structure must be designed and constructed to sustain the maximum intended load without failure.
- Floors or platforms that may become slippery must have slip-resistant surfaces.
- When workers may be exposed to falling objects, overhead protection, composed of 2 in (5 cm) planking or equivalent, must be provided.
- A barricade must be provided at the open ends of each landing. The barricade must extend a minimum distance of 6 ft (1.8 m) laterally along the outer edge of the landing from each side of the hoist way, must extend from the floor a distance of at least 3 ft (0.9 m), and must be of #19 US gauge wire or the equivalent, with openings not exceeding 1/2-in (1.2cm).
- All hoist way entrances must be protected by substantial gates or bars that must guard the full width of the landing entrance. Gates must be not less than 66 in (167.6 cm) in height, with a maximum under clearance of 2 in (5 cm), and must be located not more than 4 in (10 cm) from the hoist way line. Gates of grille, lattice, or other open work must have openings of not more than 2 in (5 cm).
- Material must not be stored on landing platforms or runways.
14.B.09 Whenever a slack line condition occurs, the proper seating of the rope in the sheaves and on the drum must be checked prior to further operations.
14.B.10 Riding on material hoists or other hoisting equipment not meant for personnel handling is prohibited.
14.B.11 While hoisting equipment is in operation, the operator must not perform any other work and must not leave his/her position at the controls until the load has been safely landed or returned to ground level.
14.B.12 Not more than one cage or bucket must be operated at the same time by any one hoisting machine or operator.
14.B.13 Operating rules must be established and posted at the operator's station of the hoist. Such rules must include signal system and allowable line speed for various loads. Rules and notices must be posted on the car frame or crosshead in a conspicuous location, including the statement "NO RIDERS ALLOWED."
14.B.14 Air-powered hoists must be connected to an air supply of sufficient capacity and pressure to safely operate the hoist. Pneumatic hoses must be secured by some positive means to prevent accidental disconnection.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
14-2. When are material hoists to be inspected by a qualified person (QP)?
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