14.E Debris Nets.
14.E.01 When used with personnel safety nets, debris nets must be secured on top of the personnel safety net but must not compromise the design, construction or performance of the personnel nets.
14.E.02 A competent person (CP) must determine and document the size, weight and height of fall of potential falling debris. The debris netting must have a mesh of the size and strength sufficient to contain the expected debris without penetration when properly supported.
14.E.03 Materials, scraps, equipment, tools and debris that have fallen into the net must be removed as soon as possible from the net and at least before the next work shift.
14.E.04 Nets and debris must be protected from sparks and hot slag resulting from welding and cutting operations.
14.E.05 Inspection of debris nets.
- Debris nets must be inspected by a CP in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
- Inspections must be conducted after installation, at least weekly thereafter, and following any alteration, repair or any occurrence that could affect the integrity of the net system. Inspections must be documented and maintained on site.
- Defective nets must not be used; defective components must be removed from service.
- When welding or cutting operations occur above the nets, frequency of inspections must be increased in proportion to the potential for damage to the nets.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
14-5. When used with personnel safety nets, where must debris nets be secured?
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