16.E Safety Devices and Operational Aids.
Safety devices and operational aids must not be used as a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment by the operator.
16.E.01 Safety Devices.
The following safety devices are required on all cranes and derricks covered by Section 16 unless otherwise specified.

- Crane level indicator.
- (1) The equipment must have a crane level indicator that is either built into the equipment or is available on the equipment.
- (2) This requirement does not apply to portal overhead or gantry cranes, derricks, floating cranes/derricks and crane/derricks on barges, pontoons, vessels or other means of flotation.
- Boom stops, except for derricks and hydraulic booms.
- Jib stops (if jib is attached), except for derricks.
- Equipment with foot pedal brakes must have locks, except for portal and floating cranes.
- Hydraulic outrigger jacks must have an integral holding device (check valve).
- Equipment on rails must have rail clamps and rail stops, except for portal cranes.
- Horn.
16.E.02 Proper Operation of Safety Devices.
- Operations must not begin unless the safety devices listed above are in proper working order.
- If a safety device stops working properly during operations, the operator must safely stop operations.
- Operations must not resume until the device is again working properly.
- Alternative measures are not permitted to be used.
16.E.03 Operational Aids.
- Operations must not begin unless the listed operational aids are in proper working order except where the employer meets the specified temporary alternative measures. More protective alternative measures specified by the crane manufacturer, if any, must be followed.
- If a listed operational aid stops working properly during operations, the operator must safely stop operations until the temporary alternative measures are implemented or the device is again working properly. If a replacement part is no longer available, the use of a substitute device that performs the same type of function is permitted and is not considered a modification.
- Category I operational aids and alternative measures. Operational aids listed in this paragraph that are not working properly must be repaired not later than 7 days after the deficiency occurs.
Exception: If the employer documents that it has ordered the necessary parts within 7 days of the occurrence of the deficiency, the repair must be completed within 7 days of receipt of the parts.
- (1) Boom hoist limiting device. TEMPORARY alternative measures (use at least one):
- (a) Use a boom angle indicator;
- (b) Clearly mark the boom hoist cable, in a visible location to the operator, at a point that will give the operator sufficient time to stop the hoist to keep the boom within the minimum allowable radius. In addition, install mirrors or remote video cameras and displays if necessary for the operator to see the mark;
- (c) Clearly mark the boom hoist cable, in a visible location to the spotter, at a point that will give the spotter sufficient time to signal the operator and have the operator stop the hoist to keep the boom within the minimum allowable radius.
- (2) Luffing jib limiting device. Equipment with a luffing jib must have a luffing jib limiting device.
- (3) Anti two-blocking device (A2B). Anti-two blocking devices must be installed at all points of two-blocking.
- (a) All cranes and derricks must be equipped with A2B/Hoist-limit device that will disengage the function that is causing the two-blocking or an A2B damage prevention feature (except as noted). They must be tested and certified functional by a CP prior to operating the crane.
- (b) Lattice boom cranes: Lattice boom cranes must be equipped with an A2B device to stop the load hoisting and boom-down functions before the load block or load contacts the boom tip.
- (i) An international orange colored warning device (flag, tape or ball) is properly secured to the hoist line at a distance of 8 ft to 10 ft (2.4 m to 3m) above the rigging;
- (ii) The signal person acts as a spotter to alert the crane operator with a "STOP" signal when the warning device approaches the boom tip and the crane operator ceases hoisting functions when alerted of this;
- (iii) While the non-duty cycle lift is underway the signal person must not stand under the load, must have no duties other than as a signal person, and must comply with the signaling requirements of this manual.
- Telescopic boom cranes:
- (i) Telescopic boom cranes must be equipped with an A2B device to stop the load hoisting function before the load block or load contacts the boom tip and to prevent damage to the hoist rope or other machine components when extending the boom.
- (ii) Telescopic boom cranes that are used exclusively for duty cycle operations must be equipped with a two-blocking damage prevention feature or warning device to prevent damage to the hoist rope or other machine components when extending the boom.
- (d) Floating cranes: Floating cranes may use an A2B alarm system in lieu of a disengaging device unless they are hoisting personnel.
- (e) Other cranes used in duty cycle operations, to include clamshell (grapple), magnet, drop ball, container handling, concrete bucket, pile driving and extracting operations, drilled shaft operations (except telescopic boom cranes), dynamic compaction and continuous flight auger drilling are exempt from the requirements for A2B devices.
- (f) Temporary alternative measure: clearly mark the cable (so that it can be easily seen by the operator) at a point that will give the operator sufficient time to stop the hoist to prevent two-blocking and use a spotter when extending the boom.
- (4) Wind speed indicating device mounted on the crane, in a location where the maximum wind speed can be measured for the lifting activity. In lieu of the above and where wind speed and gusts can be effectively determined, a hand-held anemometer may be used.
Category II operational aids and alternative measures. Operational aids listed in this paragraph that are not working properly must be repaired not later than 30 days after the deficiency occurs.
Exception: If the employer documents that it has ordered the necessary parts within 7 days of the occurrence of the deficiency, and the parts are not received in time to complete the repair in 30 days, the repair must be completed within 7 days of receipt of the parts.
- (1) Boom angle or radius indicator. The equipment must have a boom angle or radius indicator readable from the operator's station (does not apply to articulating cranes or digger derricks manufactured before November 8, 2011). Temporary alternative measures: radii or boom angle must be determined by measuring the radii or boom angle with a measuring device. Calibration and testing of indicators will be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
- (2) Jib angle indicator (if equipment has luffing jib; does not apply to articulating cranes). Temporary alternative measures: radii or jib angle must be determined by ascertaining the main boom angle and then measuring the radii or jib angle with a measuring device.
- (3) Boom length indicator (does not apply to articulating cranes) if the equipment has a telescopic boom, except where the load rating is independent of the boom length. Temporary alternative measures: one of the following methods must be used:
- (a) Mark the boom with measured marks to calculate boom length;
- (b) Calculate boom length from boom angle and radius measurements; OR
- (c) Measure the boom with a measuring device.
(4) Load weighing and similar devices. Equipment must have at least one of the following: load weighing device, load moment indicator (LMI), rated capacity indicator or rated capacity limiter (does not apply to digger derricks manufactured prior to November 8, 2011). Temporary alternative measures: The weight of the load must be determined from a reliable source (i.e., load manufacturer), by a reliable calculation method (i.e., calculating a steel beam from measured dimensions and a known per foot weight), or by other equally reliable means. This information must be provided to the operator prior to the lift.
Exception: Overhead and/or mobile LHE used in duty cycle operations are exempt from the requirements for load indicating devices and LMI devices.
- (5) Hoist drum rotation indicator if the drum is not visible from the operator's station. Temporary alternative measures: mark the drum and if needed, install mirrors or remote video cameras and displays if necessary for the operator to see the mark.
- (6) Outrigger position (horizontal beam extension) sensor/monitor if the equipment has outriggers (required on equipment manufactured after January 1, 2008). Temporary alternative measure: the operator must verify that the position of the outriggers is correct (in accordance with manufacturer's procedures) before beginning operations requiring outrigger deployment.
Exception 1 - Duty Cycle: Lattice boom cranes that are used exclusively for duty cycle operations are exempt from A2B equipment requirements. When a lattice boom crane engaged in duty cycle work is required to make a non-duty cycle lift (for example, to lift a piece of equipment), it will be exempt from the A2B equipment requirements if the following procedures are implemented:
Exception 2 - Lattice boom cranes with manually operated friction brakes: Lattice boom crane and hoisting equipment with manually activated friction brakes, A2B warning devices may be used in lieu of A2B prevention devices.
Example Load Calculation - Carrydeck Cranes
16.E.04 All loads must be determined through one of the following methods. This information must be known or provided to the operator prior to the lift.
- Load weighing device;
- Load moment (or rated capacity) indicator;
- Load moment (or rated capacity) limiter, OR
The weight of the load must be determined either from a source recognized by the industry (such as the load manufacturer) or by a calculation method recognized by industry [i.e., calculating a steel beam from measured dimensions and a known per foot weight as determined by a qualified rigger (QR)].
Exception: Permanently installed overhead, gantry or other cranes that are used to pick gates (spillway, intake, discharge, etc) from slots have been designed with a reserve capacity and are factory proof tested at 125% of working load limit (WLL). Load cells are highly recommended to determine rigging capacities and overload conditions, but are not required.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
16-7. When must Category I operational aids that are not working properly be repaired?
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