1-4. Roles and Responsibilities.
General Employees
- Must comply with SOH requirements and report unsafe conditions or activities.
- Cannot be under the influence of mind-altering substances while on duty.
- Should be involved in developing AHAs and adhere to them during work activities.
Collateral Duty Safety Officer (CDSO)
- Ensure hazards in AHAs are addressed and employees are aware of task hazards.
- Provide feedback on work activities and seek support from the local SOHO for safety concerns.
- Report safety matters to supervisors and coordinate with the local SOHO.
Quality Assurance Representative (QAR)
- Responsible for ensuring contract work adheres to the contract and manual.
- Conduct daily SOH inspections and document findings.
- Ensure a safe work environment and designate CDSOs in writing.
- Remove employees from hazards and attend monthly SOH meetings.
- Ensure SOH training is completed and report all accidents and near misses.
Competent Person (CP)
- Develop AHAs for activities and oversee work activities to ensure safety.
Qualified Person (QP)
- Develop AHAs and provide guidance for work activities as per the manual.
- Responsible for establishing and maintaining a SOH program compliant with the manual and regulations.
Project Manager (PM)/Program Manager (PgM)
- Ensure SOH integration into all aspects of work planning and coordinate with the local SOHO.
- Coordinate complex or high-hazard projects and collaborate on safety goals and objectives.
Contracting Officer (KO)
- Review SOH documents for compliance and coordinate with local SOHO for assistance.
- Report accidents to the local SOHO and stop unsafe work if necessary.
Safety and Occupational Health Office (SOHO)
- Manage SOH program, provide technical input, and identify training requirements.
- Investigate and report accidents, ensure competent review of SOH documents, and conduct annual inspections.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-3. Who is responsible for creating an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) and overseeing work activities?
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