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514 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 30-37
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30-4. Roles and Responsibilities.

Contract Dive Operations

  • Must adhere to the roles and responsibilities defined in the ADCI International Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations and the stipulations of the relevant chapter.

USACE Dive Operations

  • Must follow the roles and responsibilities specified in ER 385-1-86 and the relevant chapter.

Dive Supervisor (DS) Duties

  • Coordinate with controlling authorities to minimize hazards from various operations, establish safety zones with the USCG if needed, and develop site-specific plans as per paragraph 30-7.
  • Ensure pre-dive checks are conducted in line with paragraph 30-5 and develop Hazardous Energy Control (HEC) procedures to shield the dive team from diverse forms of hazardous energy, reviewing existing HEC procedures at facilities and ensuring the implementation of Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) and other control procedures.
  • Review procedures for operations involving Lifting and Handling Equipment (LHE), ensure communication with LHE operators, oversee the submission of Critical Lift Plans for diver access via LHE manbaskets, and ensure safety measures against electrocution during welding or cutting and against unplanned incidents during blasting operations.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

30-3. Who must develop Hazardous Energy Control (HEC) procedures and ensure pre-dive checks are conducted?

30-4. Roles and Responsibilities.