35-4. Roles and Responsibilities.
Employer Responsibilities
- Employers must establish and maintain hygienic sanitation provisions for all employees in all places of employment.
Employee Responsibilities
- Employees must follow established hygienic sanitation provisions while in all places of employment.
35-5. Inspection Requirements.
Inspection and Documentation Duties for Food Service Facilities
- All USACE-operated food service facilities and those operated under USACE contracts, including galleys aboard vessels, must be inspected according to TB MED 530 and the USPHS Food Code.
- Periodic sanitation inspections of food preparation areas in high risk facilities must be conducted and documented at least quarterly, in accordance with TB MED 530 table 8-2.
35-6. Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) Requirements.
Develop AHAs according to paragraphs 1-6 or 2-6, as applicable.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
35-3. Periodic sanitation inspections of food preparation areas in high risk facilities must be conducted _____.
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