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514 EM 385-1-1 Chapters 30-37
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35-8. General Requirements.


  • Regularly clean workplaces to maintain safe and sanitary conditions, following a written Housekeeping Plan for areas with toxic dusts, fumes, or mists.
  • Maintain dry floors in workrooms, using drainage, false floors, or appropriate footwear as needed.
  • Ensure floors, working places, and passageways are free from hazards and regularly clean and maintain washing and toilet facilities.

Drinking Water

  • Provide potable water from safe sources, testing onsite wells according to regulations, and use temporary systems or bottled water when necessary.
  • Ensure drinking water is cool (50°F to 60°F) during hot weather and distribute it through sanitary dispensers marked "DRINKING WATER."
  • Adhere to sanitary standards for drinking water, including wellhead protection, and avoid using reclaimed water in potable systems.

Non-Potable Water

  • Mark non-potable water outlets clearly to prevent unsafe use.
  • Avoid cross-connections between potable and non-potable water systems.
  • Use non-potable water for specific cleaning purposes, ensuring it does not create unsanitary conditions.

Toilet Facilities

  • Provide adequate, gender-separated toilet facilities with privacy, proper supplies, and sanitation measures.
  • Ensure facilities are well-lit, ventilated, and maintained at comfortable temperatures.
  • For construction sites, provide appropriate toilets, maintain sanitation, and ensure facilities are weather and damage-resistant.

Hand Washing Facilities

  • Supply hand washing facilities with potable water, soap, and drying methods.
  • Use hand sanitizer as an alternative where running water isn't feasible, ensuring it contains at least 60% ethyl alcohol.

Washing Facilities

  • Provide facilities for removing harmful substances, adhering to standards requiring showers and clean towels.

Changing Rooms and Laundry

  • Offer changing rooms with separate storage for street and protective clothing.
  • Establish procedures for laundering contaminated work clothing, informing commercial laundries of potential contaminants.

Food Service

  • Maintain compliance with health and food safety standards, ensuring food is wholesome and protected from contamination.
  • Prohibit consuming or storing food in areas exposed to toxins.
  • Ensure food handlers are qualified and trained, and inspect food service facilities regularly.

Waste Disposal

  • Provide adequate, sanitary waste receptacles, emptied daily and maintained in a clean condition.
  • Dispose of all waste to prevent health hazards in a timely manner.

Vermin Control

  • Design and maintain workplaces to prevent vermin entry or harborage.
  • Implement an Extermination Plan upon detection of vermin.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

35-5. How cool should drinking water be according to drinking water requirements?

35-8. General Requirements. (a.–c.).