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617 Managing Safety and Health- General Industry
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Develop Hazard Prevention and Control Methods

Select controls: Select the controls that are the most feasible, effective, and permanent.

Control hazards using the Hierarchy of Controls.
  • Use the Hierarchy of Controls, which emphasizes elimination, substitution, and engineering solutions, to select controls.
  • Eliminate or control all serious hazards immediately.
  • Use interim controls while you develop and implement longer-term solutions.
  • Avoid selecting controls that may directly or indirectly introduce new hazards.
  • Review and discuss control options with workers to ensure that controls are feasible and effective.
  • Use a combination of control options when no single control option fully protects workers.
  • Select controls to protect workers during non-routine operations and emergencies.

Implement selected controls in the workplace: Implement identified hazard prevention and control measures per priorities in the written hazard control plan.

  • When resources are limited, implement measures on a "worst-first" basis. Regardless of limited resources, employers are obligated to protect workers from recognized serious hazards.
  • Promptly implement any measures that are easy and inexpensive.
  • Follow up to confirm that controls are effective. Inspect and track progress and results.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-6. What strategy should be used when no single hazard control option fully protects workers?