Perception is Reality
The survey is an excellent problem solving tool to help identify the perceptions of many employees.

What employees perceive is their reality, so it's important to understand what they think. Safety committees and coordinators can gain valuable information about the safety management system with this technique. To help ensure the survey is effective, do the following:
- Gather a team: Best if led by trained employees.
- Determine who you are going to sample: All departments should be represented. Randomly select from three groups: managers, supervisors, and employees.
- Decide how you are going to conduct the survey: Keep it simple and confidential. Use computer software or manual system.
- Tell everyone why you are conducting a survey: This is a critical step. Explain clearly. Express the importance of the survey. Explain who is involved, what the survey is about, how it is being administered, and especially why it's important.
- Conduct the survey: The key to high participation is a quick response. Honor confidentiality and reward participation.
- Summarize the results: What are the perceptions of each of the three groups: managers, supervisors, and employees?
- Meet directly with the top decision-maker to discuss the results: This helps reduce misunderstanding and is more likely to get top management buy-in. It also bypasses gatekeepers who might revise the results or prevent the results from being heard.
We've discussed a sampling of common problem-solving techniques, but many others are available to help you and the safety committee quickly arrive at solutions to seemingly complicated problems. We encourage you to continue exploring all available methods.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-10. Why is it important to discuss the results of a survey with the top decision-maker?
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