It's not over until the paperwork is done! Once the meeting is over, it's time to begin planning for the next meeting (can't say that too many times).
It's important to communicate with the safety committee throughout the month to:
- Respond to concerns raised.
- Keep in contact with members.
- Discuss whether assignments are being met.
- Get feedback on the meeting.
- Make sure minutes are promptly typed, posted, and distributed.
- Thank members who attended.
- Brief absent members.
- Place unfinished business on the agenda for the next meeting.
Revise and improve: Given all the feedback, the chairperson may more effectively improve the many processes and procedures related to safety committees.
Well, there you have it. That is all you wanted to know (and maybe more) about running a safety committee meeting. We go into greater detail about meeting management in course 707 Effective OSH Committee Meetings.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
8-9. When should you discuss unfinished safety committee business left on the agenda?
You forgot to answer the question!