OSHA's Suggested Training Plan Core Elements
The following information was adapted from CFR 29 1910.120, Appendix E.

The training facility should have available sufficient resources on site.
Although specifically written for training hazardous waste operations, the core criteria can serve as an excellent template for designing your safety training program. Below are the 10 core criteria:
1. Training facility
- The training facility should have sufficient resources, equipment, and site locations for both didactic and hands-on training when appropriate.
- Training facilities should also possess adequate organization, support staff, and services to conduct training in each of the courses offered.
2. Training Director
- Each training program should be under the direction of a training director who bears responsibility for the program.
- The training director should possess a minimum of two years of employee education experience.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-3. According to OSHA CFR 2910.120, Appendix E, how much experience in education should the training director have?
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