Program Evaluation - OSHA

OSHA Guidelines for Training Program Evaluation
OSHA's Occupational Safety and Health Standards, CFR 29, Subpart: H - Hazardous Materials 1910.120 App E Training Curriculum Guidelines, and OSHA Publication 3824, Resource for Development and Delivery of Training to Workers, are two sources for evaluating safety training.
To make sure your company follows theses guidelines, you should:
- Conduct or direct an annual written audit of the safety training program: This means checking the program each year in writing to see how it's doing.
- Ensure the training provider formally documents, approves, and implements program modifications to address deficiencies: This involves making sure any needed changes to the program are written down, approved, and put into action.
- Maintain audit and the program modification documents at the training facility: Keep records of the audits and any changes made to the program at the place where the training happens.
Check out OSHAcademy's comprehensive Ultimate Safety Training Program Audit that can help you cover all of the required audit areas per ANSI 490.1 and OSHA 1910.120.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-1. According to 1910.120, Appendix E, Training Curriculum Guidelines, how often should the employer conduct a written audit of their training program?
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