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703 Introduction to OSH Training
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OSHA's Suggested Training Plan Core Elements

9. Recordkeeping:

Sample Training Record
Sample safety training certification
  • Training providers should maintain records that include the dates of course presentations, the names of attendees, the names of students who successfully completed each course, and the number of training certificates issued to each successful participant.
  • Maintain these records for at least five years from the date an individual participates in a training program offered by the training provider.
  • Ensure these records are accessible and provided upon a student's request or as required by law.

10 Program Quality Control

  • The Training Director should conduct or oversee an annual written audit of the training program.
  • Any program modifications needed to address deficiencies should be documented, approved, and implemented by the training provider. Both the audit and the program modification documents should be kept at the training facility.

Download the complete CFR 29 1910.120, Appendix E.

Download a Sample Training Plan.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-8. How often should the Training Director conduct or direct a written audit of the training program?