Training for Safety Inspectors
Everyone conducting safety inspections needs to be thoroughly trained on how to effectively conduct safety inspections and in the specific hazards in their workplaces.

It doesn't do any good for employees, supervisors and safety committee members to be conducting safety inspections if they don't know what to look for.
Supervisors: Supervisors should be properly educated about their safety inspection responsibilities. They should have training in identifying and controlling the hazards that workers under their supervision are likely to encounter. Formal course work may not be necessary, but the training should be provided by the safety manager or other competent person.
When training supervisors, it's important to make sure they understand that it is their responsibility for safety in their departments. They "own" whatever happens in work areas for which they supervise. It's not the primary job of the safety manager or the safety committee to ensure safe work conditions and behaviors: Ultimately, safety is a line (operations/production), not a staff (administration), responsibility.
Employees: Employees should have training in the hazards that they may be exposed to during work. When they are responsible for workstation inspections, employees also should have specific training in how to inspect.
On-the-job training with the supervisor can be an excellent strategy to ensure adequate instruction on conducting inspections and training on how to detect and correct hazards to which they are exposed.
- Safety committee members: Safety committee members should understand the potential hazards to which they might be exposed and the ways they can protect themselves and their fellow workers. Those who are involved in inspections need training in recognizing and controlling all the potential hazards of the worksite. They will also need written guidance, tips for inspecting, and some on-the-job training by safety and health staff or other specialists.
- Safety professionals and staff: Of course, safety professionals and staff should be the "resident experts" in safety inspection procedures, and should receive initial and ongoing advanced education.
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