Review Documents
Assessing the workplace would not be complete without thoroughly reviewing existing documents to determine what kinds of hazards have existed in the workplace prior to the assessment.

Actually, document review may be considered both an assessment tool and an analysis tool. Not only are we able to determine the hazards that have caused accidents in the past, we can analyze to uncover trends in the types, locations, date/time, etc. for accidents.
You need to review these documents to assess workplace hazards:
- OSHA 300 Log (of course)
- OSHA Form 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report
- maintenance work orders
- accident reports
- safety committee minutes
- safety suggestions
- training evaluations
All these activities to identify hazards in the workplace are so important to the overall effectiveness of your safety management system. Be sure you integrate these activities into the line positions (employees, supervisors and managers). Remember, safety is a line responsibility, not a staff responsibility!
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-9. What can you uncover in an analysis of the documents gathered from interviews, inspections, and observations?
You forgot to answer the question!