Container Labeling
Types of Containers
Container labeling can be a very effective method to communicate the physical and health hazards of chemicals used in the workplace.
The information on a container label will vary depending on what type of container it is and how it is used. We'll discuss labeling requirements under the GHS in this module.
We'll look at the labeling requirements for each of the types of containers referred to in the hazard communication standard:
- Shipped container labels: For containers that are shipped.
- Workplace container labels: For containers used by employers within the workplace.
- Portable container labels: Labels are not required for these containers as long as the employee has positive control over the container and is using it.
- Stationary container labels: For large tanks and similar containers.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-1. Why are container labels an important part of the Hazard Communication program?
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